Typically, this is not something we think about until our health is negatively impacted and affecting our quality of life. The truth is more than anything else- finance, relationships, material items … health is everything. Without health, we cannot live the quality of life we had intended. How many of us take for granted our health status? And do we really know how we measure up? Without a Functional Medicine approach, you really are missing the boat. Functional Medicine’s goal is to optimize health and prevent bad things from happening not merely being reactive to and managing chronic illness.
Most providers of traditional medicines have a focus that is very different as they are reactive to illness and then pile on one medicine after another to treat and manage the symptoms. They rarely have a game plan of weaning you off any medicine they have started. Often times, this approach leads to a piling of medications that simply treat the side effects of the original medication that was administered. The question to ask is … Are you really better with this approach to medicine? Did this really treat your original complaints properly? Or has a band-aid been placed on the item of concern to manage the symptom and not the root cause?
I have great news – Functional Medicine is all about prevention and finding the root cause of illness. It is a medicine that uses natural medical grade nutracueticals to correct the deficiencies that may be the root cause of your illness and thus impacting your overall quality of life.
In our practice we have had much success in the treatment of blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol with management solely on re-creating balance of hormones, life- style and medical grade nutraceuticals through our patented program of Opti-Life. Our goal is to optimize your health and quality of life.
So again, how do you measure up? This is where functional medicine shines. Functional medicine uses more stringent parameters when assessing your labs not the regular bell curve which takes into account, 20% of the population which is really sick when coming up with the quote on quote normal range. The Functional Medicine interpretation of the labs is essential to optimization. Using a narrower criteria of “normal” and being aggressive with a corrective plan of care is crucial is preventing health care disasters. For instance, the onset of diabetes and many other chronic health ailments have laboratory signs that were not optimal prior to the progression of diagnosis. Our goal is to prevent these diagnosis’. If you already have a diagnosis and are currently being treated – how is your report card of labs. Are you in the best percentile of the range? If not, then what are you really treating?
What is the value of your health and are you ready to find out how you measure up? Let us help you on your journey to Health Optimization.
Call us today and schedule your free consultation at 954.384.8989. Dr. Jean-Claude Nerette is Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Functional Medicine and Stephanie Muniz Nerette is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner and a Diplomate to the Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Bellissimo Medical is located at 2665 Executive Park Drive, Suite #3, in Weston. www.BellissimoMedical.com