If you want to live a longer, healthier life, one of the areas that must be addressed is hormonal balance. As people begin to age, it is common to see a decline in hormone production that affects vitality, energy and sex drive.
But hormone imbalances are not an exclusive condition affecting older people, we can also see it in younger people due to stress, intense exercise, excessive dieting and many other factors.
What is important to understand is that the human body cannot function properly if there is a hormonal imbalance. Hormones are responsible for regulating the brain, thyroid, adrenal glands, reproductive organs and so much more.
Adequate levels of hormones are vital for both men and women and because they are so critical, it is important that patients work with an expert in this field.
Traditional doctors prescribe hormones to patients who are deficient but may fail to look at other areas, such as medical history and lifestyle, which may be contributing to the problem.
This is where the functional medicine approach comes in. At Bellissimo Medical, for example, we have developed the Functional Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Program as a unique way to balance hormones safely and effectively.
This comprehensive program requires that we focus on the individual as a whole and evaluate their immune system, metabolism, and inflammatory markers before recommending treatment. A specialist will not only look at the patient’s needs but also determine if a patient’s body is ready for hormone replacement and create an individualized program with the right dosing.
The type of hormones used in this process is also critical. Hormone replacement therapy can be done with synthetic hormones or bio-identical hormones.
Synthetic hormones are made from horses’ urine and are much less popular nowadays because there is a better option available. Today we are able to create bio-identical hormones by extracting natural substances from plants that act as “real” hormones inside your body.
These hormones, also known as natural hormones, have the same chemical structure as the hormones that are produced by the human body. Because these are naturally occurring substances that are found in us all, they produce the same physiologic response and there are virtually no side effects.
Bio-identical hormones can be delivered via pills, creams and pellets. A specialist will recommend the best treatment option for each patient’s unique situation.
The most physiologic way of administration is via pellet therapy because the hormone levels are maintained constant without the peaks and troughs seen with the other methods. Pellet therapy is delivered by placing the hormones directly under the skin allowing the body to access the hormones when in need.
Coupled with a good exercise program, proper nutrition and vitamins, bringing your hormones back to adequate levels is the best way to improve quality of life and avoid disease as shown by recent research.
Call us today and schedule your free consultation at 954.384.8989. Dr. Jean-Claude Nerette is Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Functional Medicine and Stephanie Muniz Nerette is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner and a Diplomate to the Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Bellissimo Medical is located at 2665 Executive Park Drive, Suite #3, in Weston. www.BellissimoMedical.com