Excess Sugar—your worst enemy
In todays’ day and age, it is hard to tell what’s good or bad when it comes to nutrition. There is an overload of information available—studies, documentaries, blogs and social media posts. In spite of recent attempts to put the blame of our current “unhealthy” state on factors such as meat consumption and dairy products, the role of excess sugar in the American diet cannot be ignored or downplayed.
Sugar has a place in your diet because your body needs it to function. When you eat food, the body breaks it down into glucose, which is released into the bloodstream. Insulin then helps move that glucose into the cells to be used for energy.
But the problem is the excess—most of the processed foods or food choices that are “convenient” are loaded with hidden sugars, which won’t necessarily bring about more energy but instead will shut your body down as proven by numerous scientific studies throughout several decades.
People who suffer from diabetes have blood glucose levels higher than normal or have problems because the body can’t make enough insulin or process it adequately.
Type I diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin and is typically diagnosed in children and young adults, with only 5% of people suffering from this disease.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form and is treated with lifestyle changes such as good nutrition and exercise. In many cases, medication is also prescribed.
This is why it is critical that you take care of yourself and focus on prevention. The occasional dessert is acceptable and most likely will not kill you, but eating meals that are loaded with unnecessary sugars can wreak havoc in your body and cause serious illness.
Think of food as fuel for your body and make choices that will help your body thrive and not die. The World Health Organization recommends a daily intake of about 25 gm per day. Reading nutrition labels can help monitor sugar intake.
It is important to note that refined sugar has no nutritional value—no vitamins, minerals or proteins—just calories!
Keep in mind that sugar alone is not going to put you at risk for diabetes, but it is a contributing factor. The same goes for obesity; not everyone who is diabetic is obese—plenty of skinny people suffer from diabetes and pre diabetes. Lifestyle and genetics are important.
Almost 10% of Americans have diabetes and many of them are not even aware.
At Bellissimo Medical, we have the ability to determine if regulation of sugar is already an issue. We have tools that incorporate lifestyle changes, diet, exercise and medical grade nutraceuticals that may reverse a pre diabetic state or assist in managing diabetes without medications, if possible, or used in conjunction with medication for better management of sugar control. Unlike Traditional Medicine, Functional Medicine is a more natural approach to blood sugar management where side effects may be minimized or even eliminated as balance is created.
Call us today and schedule your free consultation at 954.384.8989. Dr. Jean-Claude Nerette is Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Functional Medicine and Stephanie Muniz Nerette is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner and a Diplomate to the Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Bellissimo Medical is located at 2665 Executive Park Drive, Suite #3, in Weston.