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At the age of 20, your natural growth hormone levels are at their peak but decline consistently after the age of 30. By the age of 40, most individual’s growth hormones are at 40% lower than they were at age 20. Is this your situation?

 As you age, your body’s natural production of growth hormone declines, resulting in a decline in your body’s ability to stimulate tissue repair and regenerate your cells to keep you healthy. This decline is responsible for the symptoms of aging that include loss of muscle mass, loss of bone density, increase in body fat, loss of skin elasticity, hair thinning, and poor sleep.

 One of the leading ways to experience an immediate and significant effect on our health is the use of various peptide therapies that continue to expand into several areas of medicine. The decision to use peptide therapies along with other components of lifestyle medicine can trigger a cascade of events that can directly improve your cognition, muscle mass, fat percentage, sleep, and metabolism. All of this is achieved by potentiating your body’s own innate mechanisms.

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